Renewable Diesel: The Cleaner Alternative to Electric Vehicles?

This blog post dives into the heated debate over the future of transportation fuels, exploring the pros and cons of both electric vehicles and renewable diesel. From carbon emissions to food prices and implementation hurdles, every aspect is carefully evaluated. As policymakers strive towards decarbonization, find out how market-based approaches and investment can shape the future of the transportation industry.

Carbon Credits: Canada’s $33 Billion-Dollar Opportunity in the Post-Paris Agreement World

COP27 has solidified the role that carbon credits will play in achieving the decarbonization goals under the Paris Rulebook. The demand for carbon credits is expected to reach 1.7 GtCO2e (1.7 billion credits) by 2030 and 10 GtCO2 (10 billion credits) by 2050. Canada has the potential to become a major player in the globalContinueContinue reading “Carbon Credits: Canada’s $33 Billion-Dollar Opportunity in the Post-Paris Agreement World”

How to give back to Canada? By launching a new kind of business!

After years involved in capital projects, I decided to give back to Canada by supporting organizations successfully develop large projects.